Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Selection Process

The selection process is a series of steps through which applicants pass. 

i. Preliminary Reception: Selection starts with a visit to the HRM office or with a written request for an application. If an applicant appears in person, an impromptu preliminary interview may be granted as a courtesy, simply as a matter of good public relations.

ii. Employment Tests: Employment tests are devices that assess the probable match between applicants and job requirements. When tests are used for these positions, however, they often are a simulation of real-life situations.

a. Test Validation: For a test to be relied upon, it should be valid. Validity means that the test scores have a significant correlation to job performance or to some other relevant criterion. 

b. Testing Tools: There is a wide variety of employment tests. But each type of test has only limited usefulness. The exact purpose of a test, its design, its direction for administration and its applications are recorded in the test manual, which should be reviewed before a test is used.