Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Process of Human Resource Planning - External challenges

External challenges: These challenges arise from three important sources: 

i. Economic developments: Liberalisation, opening up of banking sector, capital market reforms, the on-line trading systems have created huge demand for finance professionals during 1990-1995 in India. The late 90s saw the rise of manufacturing, FMCG, Pharmaceuticals, Auto-components, Healthcare and Chemical Industries in a steady manner. Consequently, the demand for Engineering and Management graduates, Scientists and Healthcare professionals has picked up in recent times. 

ii. Political, legal, social and technical changes: The demand for certain categories of employees and skills is also influenced by changes in political, legal and social structure in an economy. Likewise, firms employing latest technology in construction, power, automobiles, software, etc., have greatly enhanced the worth of technicians and engineers during the last couple of years. Technology, however, is a double-edged weapon and hence, its impact on HR plans is difficult to predict. For example, computerisation programme in Banks, Railways, Post and Telegraph Departments may reduce demand in one department (book keeping, for example) while increasing it in another (such as computer operations). High technology with all its attendant benefits may compel organisations to go lean and downsize workforce suddenly. Employment planning under such situations becomes complicated.

iii. Competition: Companies operating in fields where a large number of players are bent upon cutting each other’s throat (with a view to enhance their market shares) often reduce their workforce. Competition is beneficial to customers but suicidal for companies operating on thin margins. Such companies have to necessarily go ‘lean’ by reducing their workforce. On the other hand, companies that are doing well and progressing smoothly will always look for people with critical skills.